In Law and in Life, a short fable can be as educationally relevant as a thick stack of textbooks.
Point C is a five minute video fable for review and reflection by the following persons:
1) Separated or divorced parents;
2) Parents who are about to undergo a separation or divorce;
3) Family court attorneys;
4) Family court judges and support staff;
5) Divorce mediators;
6) Custody evaluators, child psychologists and expert witnesses;
7) Law students studying family law;
8) Law professors teaching family law to future attorneys and judges;
9) Marriage counselors, co-parenting counselors and family therapists;
10) Child advocates
The author is sharing Point C with numerous legal and judicial associations and law schools throughout the United States and United Kingdom, and invites ongoing sharing with with parents, professionals, and law students as applicable. The author believes that the message of Point C is relevant, and will provide food for thought for many parents and professionals in the future.